Ao longo da exposição os estudantes foram convidados a se imaginarem em uma ilha sozinhos e pensarem se seria necessário ter leis. Além disso, foram propostas dinâmicas em que os alunos criassem suas próprias ilhas e definissem direitos e deveres dos habitantes. 💙
👉 A atividade tinha como objetivo incentivar os estudantes a pensarem como leis são feitas e como elas são importantes. Ao fim da exposição os mesmos puderam contar um pouco mais sobre suas ilhas e sobre as leis que criaram. Foi uma tarde de muito aprendizado e diversão!
On Friday (01/03), the sixth grade class at Cambridge International was visited by Gabrielle Canalli, a lawyer and master of public policy, to learn why we need laws. During the presentation, the students were invited to imagine themselves on an island by themselves and think about whether it would be necessary to have laws. In addition, students were asked to create their own islands and define the rights and duties of the inhabitants. The aim of the activity was to encourage students to think about how laws are made and how important they are. At the end of the exhibition, the students were able to tell us a little more about their islands and the laws they had created. It was an afternoon of learning and fun!