O Sr. Paulo Ricardo da Nova, ex-aluno Marista, nos recebeu com muito carinho. Os alunos aprenderam sobre a distribuição de alimentos e tiveram um delicioso café da manhã com frutas e sucos naturais.
Também puderam comprar flores para o Dia das Mães no Mercado das Flores. Obrigada ao Sr. Paulo e equipe do Ceasa por esta experiência incrível! 🌱🍎🌻
Confira os registros: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7ZwQG5inVe/?img_index=1
It’s a tradition!!!
To conclude the Cambridge Project “How can we stay healthy?”, the 5th-year Bilingual Integral students visited Ceasa, PR, on 10/05.
Mr. Paulo Ricardo da Nova, a Marista alumnus, warmly welcomed us. The students learned about food distribution and enjoyed a delicious breakfast with fruits and natural juices.
They also had the opportunity to buy flowers for Mother’s Day at the Flower Market. Thank you to Mr. Paulo and the Ceasa team for this incredible experience! 🌱🍎🌻