These cute movable figures that come in many shapes and sizes simply engage and delight children. Puppets can be educational, therapeutic and entertaining and by interacting with them, children may overcame shyness and fear.
Puppetry integrates fun, arts, discipline and can teach children new ways to express their feeling while learning new skills, such as motor, emotional, social and behavioral.
In June, Junior and Junior1 students invited friends to attend the Puppet Show | Pinocchio and as the story unfolded, they were enthralled by every single part of it, letting their inner imagination and fantasy flow. Their faces show it all!
Essas figuras móveis fofas de várias formas e tamanhos simplesmente envolvem e encantam as crianças. Puppets podem ser educacionais, terapêuticos e entreter, e ao interagir com eles as crianças podem superar a timidez e medos.
Bonecos de fantoche e marionetes integram arte, disciplina, fascínio e fantasia, e podem ensinar às crianças novas maneiras de expressar seus sentimentos e novas habilidades motoras, emocionais, sociais e comportamentais.
Em junho os alunos dos níveis Junior e Junior1 convidaram amigos para participarem do Puppet Show – Pinóquio que no desenrolar da história os deixaram encantados e sua imaginação e fantasia fluíram.