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Reading Tips | By Marista Idiomas


Dia 6

Confira mais uma dica da Marista Idiomas Library que traz clássicos da literatura de uma maneira que você nunca imaginou. 😎

📚The Emperor’s New Clothes – Retold by Richard Northcott (8 a 11 anos)

Two men come to live in the city. They tell everybody that they make magic clothes. The Emperor hears about the men and their clothes. He wants some clothes and they are happy to make them for him. But there is something very special about these clothes.

📚The Leopard and the Monkey – Retold by Richard Northcott (8 a 12 anos)

It’s morning in the jungle and leopard is hungry and his favourite breakfast is monkeys. But leopard falls into a well and only the baby monkey can help him. Can baby monkey pull leopard out of the well? And is leopard really monkey’s friend? Find out in this classic African folk tale of how a clever little animal can trick a big fierce one.


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